Sunday, June 15, 2008

Beautiful Souls

Beautiful souls
are not put out on pedestals.
They are much to valuable for such a careless display.
Pedestals are easily knocked over.
They are priceless.
Beautiful souls are fragile,
easily cracked,
thoughtlessly shattered.
Such beauty is not put out for all to see.
Beautiful souls are shown only to a few
those special few who take the time to uncover the secret,
the secret of where it is hidden.
Seekers must be patient
for these souls are hidden cleverly,
to protect against the clumsy and heartless.
The defences and traps are to be negotiated carefully
for one wrong move can leave you locked outside
to begin your searching again.
Beautiful souls are worth the time
spent searching, uncovering.
Once revealed they are never hidden away again,
just tucked beneath a single layer of protection
ready to be shown again.

1 comment:

Sonshine said...

I'm printing that one out and putting it up in my bedroom!