Thursday, October 9, 2008


The battle is never-ending.
I fight and fight and fight
and still my foes stand tall.
I rally against the dark,
flail against the shadows
and roar defiance at the night;
yet it remains.
The night goes on
and the attacks increase.
I fear my crumbling shields may fall
and I will be at their mercy.
I feel weak.
My defences lie in ruins at my feet
and still the dark seems endless.
In my weariness
I look to the heavens.
Light! I see light
coming to my rescue.
I rejoice, sing praise,
weep in relief
and fall exhausted to the ground.
In the pale light of dawn
my foes have fled,
blessedly leaving me in peace.
I thank the Lord
who brought me this reprieve.
I am exhausted and frail
but I have survived the dark
and stand strong now
in the dawn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is simply lovely, Natalie...

Thank you for directing me to it. :)