Tuesday, February 26, 2008

the role of unmarried woman

The other night while I was doing my daily Bible reading I came across this verse which really stood out for me.
"an unmarried woman is concerned about the Lord's affairs: her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit" 1 Corinthians 7:34
It is so easy to get caught up in the search for a husband or imagining what you will do when you are married but I think it is important to remember that the unmarried are important to God too. This chapter in Corinthians goes on to say that those who are married are devoted to their partners first. Think how much more you can do for God if all your attention is on him!
Of course, I'm still looking forward to getting married!

1 comment:

Sonshine said...

Hi Natalie,

I think what you have written is absolutely amazing! I really needed to hear that. There was once a time in my life when I was so passionate about living for Him and was so excited about being a single Christian. But, as time dwindled on and I got older, it has sometimes been hard not to look around at the ideals of the world and wonder why I’m not in a relationship or why I’m not getting married while everyone else around my age seems to be. Along with your blog and another statement I found also on the internet, God was able to realign my life with His purpose and show me what he had intended for my single life. The quote was something along these lines “A woman’s heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her”.
I hope that this statement encourages you as it has encouraged me.

I think it’s important to note also that we will never have our single years again. We can do things now that we’ll never be able to do again once we are committed to our life long partners. Why not do it right and not be regretful when we look back on our single years!

Once again, thank you SO much for your wonderful thoughts! I don’t think you’ll ever be aware of how much your words have inspired and touched my life!
Much love, and God bless,

Your sister in Christ,
