Monday, February 25, 2008

Fruitless Impressions

Fruitless Impressions

Why do I try to impress the world
Who does not care if I succeed?
They only watch to see me fail
So they can point and say,
“see? She can not do it
and neither can you!
But try, try anyway
and we will mock your failure too.”

Why do I try to impress the world?
It can not be impressed.
Only one opinion counts
And it is not yours or mine.
Only that of the Creator.

He will not point and mock.
He says to me,
“My child, do not listen to what they say,
for their words are intended to hurt.
Listen to me, my child
For I will pick you up,
Dust you off and
Make you precious.

Listen to my word.
Do as I say
And you shall shine brighter than they.
You will glisten like a diamond,
Shine like a light
And prove to the world all that I am.
Is that not a better goal?”

Why do I not try to impress the world?
Why do I not care what they say?
Because I know
the only opinion that counts.
And it is not yours or mine.

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