Thursday, February 28, 2008

We can all learn a lesson from the birds

This one just popped into my head while I was bringing my pet cockatiels in for the night.
For some obscure reason microsoft word has decided to die. I believe it has a lot to do with the fact that I started prac today :(

Little Bird
Little bird,
floating on a breeze.
How free you appear.
What cause have you to worry?

Gracefully coursing the sky,
kissing the clouds,
viewing the world from above.
I envy you, bird.

What concerns have a bird?
Food to eat, a place to sleep.
All else is irrelevant.
I wish I were you.

You have no job,
no stash of money,
no possessions
and yet your songs are full of joy.

I could learn much from you little bird.
How to be free, to be happy
and how to sing of my joy
to make others happy too.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

the role of unmarried woman

The other night while I was doing my daily Bible reading I came across this verse which really stood out for me.
"an unmarried woman is concerned about the Lord's affairs: her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit" 1 Corinthians 7:34
It is so easy to get caught up in the search for a husband or imagining what you will do when you are married but I think it is important to remember that the unmarried are important to God too. This chapter in Corinthians goes on to say that those who are married are devoted to their partners first. Think how much more you can do for God if all your attention is on him!
Of course, I'm still looking forward to getting married!

Monday, February 25, 2008

racing around
ignoring the pleas for attention of desparate souls
caught up in our own importance

what care I for those I pass
they did not stop when i was in need

ignorant of everyday disasters
convinced that we are the height of greatness

conflict means nothing if I am not hurt
faceless, nameless victims

victims of our own making
our ignorance
our uncaring nature

we forget that life is fragile
how many of those I passed needed help that only I could bring?
and yet I walked on by
ignoring silent pleas for help

invisible people
with pleading, tear-filled eyes
looking at me

and I with my cloak of self-importance
walk on by
Queen of my own world


How could you love us Lord?
We are such failures.
We know our duty Lord
We are to love you and spread your word
Bring the lost to you.
We echo prayers of devotion and duty on Sundays
but then return to our self-centered lives.
We swear we will do better
rescue scores of stranded souls
but we don't follow through Lord.
We are frightened.
we fear rejection, ridicule
we don't want to risk our carefully constructed reputations.
our social standing is put before you.
we console ourselves by claiming our lives are a testament to you
that actions speak louder than words.
we don't think of the souls we are condeming to damnation through our inaction.
after all, there is always tomorrow
and someone else would surely be better at this than me.
How can you stand all this Lord?
the temptation to start over must be so strong.
I would understand Lord.
We are such failures.
But you are good Lord.
You haven't abandoned me yet
I know you still have hope for my life
and i thankyou so much Lord.
Anyone else would have labled me as hopeless
but you are known for your sucess with hopeless cases.
I won't promise that I will save the world
for I know that I will only disappoint with my failure.
But i do promise this one thing Lord,
with your help, I will try

Fruitless Impressions

Fruitless Impressions

Why do I try to impress the world
Who does not care if I succeed?
They only watch to see me fail
So they can point and say,
“see? She can not do it
and neither can you!
But try, try anyway
and we will mock your failure too.”

Why do I try to impress the world?
It can not be impressed.
Only one opinion counts
And it is not yours or mine.
Only that of the Creator.

He will not point and mock.
He says to me,
“My child, do not listen to what they say,
for their words are intended to hurt.
Listen to me, my child
For I will pick you up,
Dust you off and
Make you precious.

Listen to my word.
Do as I say
And you shall shine brighter than they.
You will glisten like a diamond,
Shine like a light
And prove to the world all that I am.
Is that not a better goal?”

Why do I not try to impress the world?
Why do I not care what they say?
Because I know
the only opinion that counts.
And it is not yours or mine.

Welcome to my blog

Welcome all!
This is just a quiet little site where I will be posting thoughts and poetry. Please feel free to look around.