Tuesday, December 23, 2008

His Hurts

He is hurting
deep within.
Tears as rivers
are running their course
down his care-worn cheeks.

His heart feels
as though it may burst.
Complex emotions
fight their way
to the surface of his mind
clamoring to be heard, felt.
Needing to be examined,
confronted before they encompass
his entire being.

He weeps
heart wrenching sobs
that shake him to the core.
His heart is in his throat
wishing to come out
and confront him
with it’s cares.

He wraps his arms
around the one he loves.
He feels the pain of his beloved child
as though it were his own.
He whispers loving words,
promises of a future
beyond these pains and fears
into his loved one’s ears.
The Almighty cries for you.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Denying the King

Hey to those from youth camp! Does this theme ring any bells???

Denying the King

Shall I deny the Ultimate King?
Shall I say he has no control over me?
Daily I say he is Lord of my life
but he just asks too much you see.

I read of his word and daily pray
but take no heed of that quiet, still voice.
He says many things I wish not to hear
for he just asks too much of me.

I know I should feed the hungry and poor
and spread the Lord’s message far and wide
but surely if I just live my life here
God’s light will shine out to all.

I’m not denying the Ultimate King
but interpreting his commands to suit me.
God can find someone else to do all those things
and I can keep going my way.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Touch Me

Touch me, oh Lord.
Reach out Your hand
and touch me deep within,
for whenever You touch me,
that’s when I come alive.

Your touch sends a rush,
a current throughout my body
that warms my very soul.
When You touch me
I can move mountains,
convert nations
and see into Your very heart.

Your touch is all I need to survive,
it is what I yearn for.
With You I can accomplish all things,
survive all things.
Lord, place Your hand on me today.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Battered, broken,
I lie here now,
my soul in tatters,
my dignity lost,
never to be reclaimed.

I have given up.
Never shall this dream come to be,
never shall I succeed here.
My time and effort have been wasted.

I stare at my ceiling
daring it to mock my pain.
Silently I ask for answers
from an unresponsive God.
My heartfelt pleas go unanswered
inciting my buried anger.

I blame myself, the world, God
to no avail
for it will not give me my heart's desire.
I continue hunting for success
for wallowing in my failure
brings me only shame.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I am so tired,
tired of work,
tired of whining children,
tired of people wanting a moment of my time.
Why can’t the world take care of its own problems
and leave me in peace?
Then I could rest,
then I could focus on me,
then I could work out my own problems.
I know we need to band together,
be servants of all,
but I need my own time too;
time to charge my batteries,
time to be reinvigorated, enthusiastic.
Just give me some time to rest.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Hiding Behind the Mask

You are taken in by the expressions
of knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
You see only the outside,
his mask, meticulously kept in place,
deceiving all who fail to look closer
and discover that what is on the outside
is a lie.

He desires to be a part of this ‘exclusive group’.
He longs to be one of us and go where we are going.
He knows we are destined for Heaven
and things if he is with us
God will not see him hiding among us as He gathers in His faithful
and he will make it through the Pearly Gates.

He does not understand,
no one has explained the Truth and he is afraid to ask.
He has claimed knowledge,
feigned wisdom,
forged understanding
with such skill that all have been deceived
to his peril.

He walks among us,
hidden behind his mask of knowledge,
mistakenly believing his own lies,
not knowing e is doomed to damnation
because he doesn’t understand,
because no one has explained,
because he hasn’t asked.

Look past the obvious,
look into his eyes and see the turmoil within,
see his confusion and calm his inner storms.
Speak to him of truth
and make his understanding a reality.
Destroy the mask
and save him from his lies.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


She stands tall,
looks straight ahead,
refusing to let the tears fall
though they burn behind her eyes.

She holds back the gulping sobs
that threaten to tear her throat
and grits her teeth, clenches her jaw
in order to hold them back.

She walks away
keeping herself from running
blindly down the hall,
seeking a place of refuge
where she can loose her tight control.

She stumbles into a corner
where she knows she won’t be found.
Briefly her control slips
and unleashes her pent-up pain.

She regains her composure
cleans herself up,
puts on her mask
and faces the world once more
with none the wiser of her pain.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


The battle is never-ending.
I fight and fight and fight
and still my foes stand tall.
I rally against the dark,
flail against the shadows
and roar defiance at the night;
yet it remains.
The night goes on
and the attacks increase.
I fear my crumbling shields may fall
and I will be at their mercy.
I feel weak.
My defences lie in ruins at my feet
and still the dark seems endless.
In my weariness
I look to the heavens.
Light! I see light
coming to my rescue.
I rejoice, sing praise,
weep in relief
and fall exhausted to the ground.
In the pale light of dawn
my foes have fled,
blessedly leaving me in peace.
I thank the Lord
who brought me this reprieve.
I am exhausted and frail
but I have survived the dark
and stand strong now
in the dawn.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

New Blog

I have a new blog. This one is not about poetry but rather my thoughts. http://quietwordtoyoursoul.blogspot.com/. I will continue to write poetry for as long as God keeps giving me the words so don't worry, this blog will continue.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I Don't Know

I want to understand.
There are so many things
about You that don’t make sense,
so many passages
in the Bible remain obscure to me,
so many of Your promises
and directions
that I can’t comprehend.
I want to know.
I want to be able
to explain them to others,
to appear knowledgeable and wise.
When an unbeliever
asks me questions
I want to be able to answer them
instead of looking like a fool
when I say ‘I don’t know.’
You must have Your reasons
for keeping us in the dark.
I just want You to know
that it’s really annoying.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mirror Girl

As I look into the mirror
at the person mimicking me
I wonder how on Earth
I came to this.

This person that I see
is not the one I wanted,
this person is not
who I am inside.

What do people see
when they look into my eyes?
Do they see my gentle heart
or my kind soul?

Or do the clothing and the hairstyle
overpower all within?
Am I just a hollow shell
painted with a smile?

As I look into the mirror
at the person I am not,
I begin to see traces
of who I used to be.

I come to the decision
to make myself once more me
and allow the world
to see me once again.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I want to be a thing of beauty.
I want to make heads turn
mouths agape
and people stare with longing.

I want to be full of confidence.
I want people to trust me
instinctively, unswervingly
and be able to live up to that trust.

I want every action to be filled with grace
like a doe, a red, red rose,
gentle, dignified,
never a false step or stumble.

May my life be defined by faith.
Faith in my Lord, faith in myself.
Inspiring faith,
never forgetting, never doubtful.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Every breath,
a moment of life gifted to me.
How amazing is it that we live?
Every part of our bodies
combined just right.
Inconceivably working in concert.

Every smile,
conveying a thousand words
and a million emotions.
One look, saying so much,
lifting hearts
and creating a domino effect around the world.

Every hug,
melting hearts, crumbling walls,
warming the depths of the soul.
Comfort, consolement, love
all expressed through
this simple, impulsive action.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Reach Out

Reach out, broken heart
and touch those around you.
You are not the only one bleeding
in this broken world.
We are all hurting,
we all wail inside
but that doesn't stop us shining.
Illuminate the dark,
be a beacon for all.
Help those who are trapped inside their suffering
to find their way out
and shine as a guiding light for others.
Shine, broken heart,
for your brokenness makes the light purer.
It draws the gaze,
fills the heart
and sings in a bitter-sweet voice,

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

God Weeps

When we are hurting,
broken inside,
feeling we will never be put back together,
destined to be broken forever,
He is beside us,
hands on our shoulders
with tears streaming down His face.

When we huddle in a corner
in the dark,
with no one coming to bring us comfort,
He is there
holding us close to Himself,
feeling our pain as His own.

When we are screaming
silently in our minds,
unable to voice our pain,
He is whispering,
speaking word of comfort in our ears.

We are never abandoned,
never alone,
for when we are in pain
God weeps our tears.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Why did you leave me?
All alone I weep,
waiting, hoping for your return.
But it is in vain,
for you are gone
and I am abandoned.
If you have left, why should I stay?
So I abandon myself.
I may seem to be here
but I am not.
It is the shell that even I have abandoned.
I have retreated,
hidden away in the darkness I have created.
No one wants me
so I have put myself out of reach.
Even I cannot reach myself.
I am lost,
gone, never to return.
some kind soul shows me the way back,
the way back to myself,
shows me tha I am not truly abandoned.
Will that person come?
Will they reach out to the unreachable?
Or do I, yet again,
wait in vain?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I am full of questions, Lord,
to which I can find no answers.
I am told to seek your will,
and I do,
only I cannot tell if my answers are from You
or my own selfish mind.
I am told to compare my answers to Your word
but there I am lost.
Your word does not cover my future jobs,
my love life
or my living arrangements.
So my questions remain
and I stumble through my life
hoping it is in accordance with Your will.
Praying that next time Your voice will be clearer,
praying next time I will be listening harder,
praying my questions will be answered.

Friday, August 1, 2008

I got in an ezine

My children of the light poem has been shown in the August edition of Whatever is Pure. Check it out here

Thursday, July 31, 2008


No one can say things the way you can.
You alone have your influence.
You have this opportunity
so grab it!
This may be your only chance,
this may be the one time their hearts are open to your message.
Make this moment count.
It may be the last.
Don't leave it up to someone else.
It may be that only you can reach this person.
Don't condemn them to eternal death,
cast off your reservations
and speak out as only you can.
Bring this person to eternal life.


You are constantly stretching the truth,
making up details,
trying to make things more interesting for your audience,
raising yourself in their eyes.
Can't you see that lying is a sin?
Constantly misleading others.
They take your word as truth
and pass it on to others
often adding embellishments of their own.
After a while how much truth is left?
If all arrange the truth to suit their purpose
all that remains is lies and fabrications hidden in a shell of half truths.
Can't you see the damage you are doing?
Try, just try to be truthful.
Develop a reputation for truthfulness.
Banish all falsehoods from your tongue
for all they do is contaminate and destroy all they touch.
Raise yourself in the eyes of others by your honesty
and see your words heal
instead of causing hurt.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


I am full of wonder
when I think of all you are.
I am full of awe
when I think of all you've done.

How can the One who created the stars
care so much for me?
How can the One who gave life to all
worry about my insignificant life?

I am amazed at your loving nature,
You love those who deny your existance.
I am amazed by your awesome power,
You made all that exists.

I cannot comprehend all you've done,
You are too much for me.
I cannot understand why You do what You've done,
Why You sent Your son for me.

You created the flowers and the trees
and put all things in place.
You created the heavens and the Earth
so that I may see their beauty.

I am full of wonder Lord
of all You've said and done.
I am so thankful Lord
for the wonders of this world.


I resist,
claim that it is impossible, can't be done,
realise the power of positive thinking,
wade through the troubles
determined to reach that distant shore,
only to realise
it is deeper here than I thought.

I tread water,
struggle to reach the surface,
push myself forward
inch by painful inch,
refusing to admit I'm in over my head
only to face the facts,
I can't do this alone.

I cry out,
begging, pleading with My Saviour to rescue me,
take me from this place,
save me from this situation,
set the world to rights.
He comes, He helps
but I remain waist-deep in this strife.

I push forward,
clinging for dear life to my Lord,
testing each step,
asking for guidance,
wading through the dark,
seeing my goal through the fog of my mind,
determined to reach that distant shore.

I emerge,
victorious I praise the Father
who held my hand while I wept,
acknowledge that I have grown,
have been stretched and purified in the painful fire,
recognise that I can go further than I could before.
I continue on my journey.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


You’re a teacher now
Just remember why you’re here.
It’s not for money or fame,
It’s for those children,
The ones who drive you mad and play up
As well as the quiet ones who sit at their desks and do their work.
You’re there for the smart kids as well as those who struggle.
Don’t stress about being perfect.
You will screw up.
Some of those children will hate you,
Some will never understand why you did what you had to.
These children will cringe when you give them homework
And complain when you hand out tests
Not knowing that you don’t want them either
Because all the marking gets you down.
They won’t understand that you hate some of this as much as they do
But it’s necessary.
Stay strong,
Stick to your purpose,
Take it one day at a time,
Focus on the positives,
Learn from your mistakes
And you will succeed.
Those children will learn and grow
And become confident adults.
You will help those children take one more step
Along the path of life.
How awesome is that?
It is worth the stress and drama.
Stay strong.
You are a teacher.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thanks from a rebellious daughter

You are so good to me Lord,
You love me despite what I have done.
I challenge, rebel, whine and plead;
I demand, question and turn away
And still You call me to Yourself.
I can't understand why.
Why go through all the heartache of loving me?
You have more obediant, compliant children,
Why spend so much on me?
I am grateful Lord.
When I emerge from my selfishness
I praise You, love You.
You are so much more
Than I could ever ask for.
Thankyou Lord.
You are so good to me.

Monday, July 7, 2008


Frozen, I am frozen deep within.
My world is shadows, shadows deep and grey.
No light shines through to brighten my life.
These shadows are seeping into my very soul.

I reach out, grasping, trying to break through,
Desperately reaching out to the light.
My fingers spread pleadingly
willing any light to touch me
and thaw out my frozen soul.

Good things are hidden from me.
I see them as through a veil.
There is a barrier between,
a barrier only I can see but cannot begin to break.

I live in a pocket of shadows.
I put on a happy face around others.
I don't want their pity,
they cannot begin to understand the cold that devours me from within.

My heart cries out to my Saviour
pleading with him to place His warmth upon my heart.
I feel guilty that I have failed to banish the shadows
when His light should dwell within.

But I remain frozen,
frozen with warmth in my vision but beyond my grasp.
Cut off from the world by a veil of shadows.
Left to dwell in my frozen wasteland.

Faithful Heart

Following Christ's teachings,
reading His holy word,
Faithful heart you shine.
Praying dutifully everyday,
leaning on God's wisdom
your faithful heart is a beacon in the darkness.

Your faith is so strong,
you are an example for us all.
Teach me to believe like you do.
How can the world not see
the fire burning deep within?
Faithful heart, you're an inspiration.

Loving strongly everyday,
encouraging your fellow man
your faithful heart stays strong.
Your faith sees you through thick and thin,
your eyes are fixed on Christ
faithful heart, you'll never fall.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Children of the Light

Hidden in the darkness,
Not knowing what we seek
But searching,
Endlessly searching.


Drawn out of the shadows,
No longer belonging to the darkness
We are light.
Children of the light.

Now a task we have been given
That will take our lives to achieve.
We must face our fears
And look again at the darkness,
That seemingly endless darkness.

Our task is dangerous for the darkness reaches out to us
Trying to regain what it has lost.
We must resist.
Cling to the light
While facing down the dark.

Our task:
To find those hidden in the darkness
Not knowing what they seek
But searching,
Endlessly searching.
We must guide them to the light.

Children of the light
Must be beacons,
Guiding lanterns for those trapped in the endless night.

Guide gently, children of the light.
The darkness muddles and distorts
And the hidden will be distrustful.
But when they find the light
The JOY!
The end to hopeless searching
And the creation of a new guide.

We are an army of the light
Facing down the darkness.
One day, our task shall be complete.
One day,
The darkness shall depart.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


What were You thinking when You created me Lord?
What did You see for my life?
Did You see the joy of my parents,
the friendships I would forge,
the achievements I would make?
Did You weep at my failures,
my poor choices,
my complete unwillingness to act?
Did You ever question making me?
My acts could easily have been performed by someone else.
Or did You realise that my part could only be played by me?
Only I have my influence.
Only I have my unique blend of talents and weaknesses.
What have You been thinking
watching me live my life?
Have I disappointed You Lord?
I must be frustrating to watch.
I'm sorry for my failings.
Have You celebrated my successes?
Have I made You smile?
I should like to make You smile Lord.
That would make me happy.
I hope to make You happy for the rest of my life
But I will need Your guidance.
Help me to dance the steps of this life Lord.
Guide my every movement,
I will strive to follow
so that Your thoughts on me may be positive.

Faith Like Children

Why do we make simple things so complicated?
It should be so easy!
We all believe in the same God
and the details are recorded in a book for our convenience.

I understand how it all happened,
a query here,
disagreement there,
and then

We've made it so hard for ourselves.
How can anyone believe we are the 'one true way'
when, as a whole, we can't agree what this way is!
What good is Christianity when the Christians themselves are divided?

We should have faith like children.
Simple, unadorned, unquestioned.
Everything we need to know is in the Bible.

Faith like children.
Like children we could disagree
but be friends again the next day.
No more division but unity.

Faith like children
without fancy rituals,
strict routines and unchanging tradition.

Our gatherings should be fun and exciting.
We should be eager to share our faith experiences.
We could be spontaneous, uncontained, infectious
then all those outside could see:
We have it all together,
we are full of light, life and love
we know the way to God.

Monday, June 23, 2008

God Believes

Stop worrying about yourself!
Just stop.
Stop thinking you're not good enough.
No more thinking I'm too young,
I'm too old,
He's more charismatic,
she has better ideas.
It's not about what you think.
Your concerns hold you back
not your lack of ability.
it's not your opinion that really matters is it?
GOD believes in you.
He thinks you can do it.
That's why he gave this task to you.
He wanted to see how you handle the situation.
He's not concerned about how others could do it.
He wants to see your unique spin,
your ideas, your actions.
God believes in YOU.


I believe in my Father.
I believe in His Son, the Saviour of my soul.
Isn't that enough?
I believe and try to follow in His ways,
I read His word,
I try my best to keep His commands,
I try to spread the Good News.
Then how can you say I don't believe?
Just because I don't speak in tongues?
The gift of angelic speech was not bestowed on me.
How can that make my faith unreal?
How dare you say that!
How dare you preach those words!
You don't know me!
We've never spoken to each other.
Have you ever looked into this heart?
Have you seen the depth of my love for the one who set me free?
How can you say such things?
Tongues is but ONE of the gifts bestowed by the Holy Spirit.
It was not intended for all.
That would reduce it's power.
Do all have the gifts of prophecy?
Of healing?
Of miracles?
Just because my gifts are different than yours does not mean my faith is any less.
Do I brag of my gifts?
Do I tell you that you don't believe?
Only the Lord knows the depth of my faith.
Only He may decide who will enter the gates of Heaven
and I don't believe He will be happy about all this.
Does He not clearly command to build UP the faith of others?
Is that what you have been doing?
You stand there with all your earthly authority
and tell us that we don't believe because we have not been granted this gift.
This one gift.
And what use is this gift?
It is a language between the speaker and God.
The rest of us must make do with our mother tongues
our earthly languages.
It is said that unless there is one who can interpret tongues
it should not be used in public gatherings.
There is a reason for this.
To the unsuspecting it is frightening.
The average man off the street would think you're mad.
Would he want to come back?
Would he feel welcome?
He is excluded from this activity.
Think on all this.
This is just my opinion
and mine is not the one that counts.
Let me ask just one thing.
What would Jesus think of all this?
Let me end by saying:
How dare you make me doubt my faith.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Beautiful Souls

Beautiful souls
are not put out on pedestals.
They are much to valuable for such a careless display.
Pedestals are easily knocked over.
They are priceless.
Beautiful souls are fragile,
easily cracked,
thoughtlessly shattered.
Such beauty is not put out for all to see.
Beautiful souls are shown only to a few
those special few who take the time to uncover the secret,
the secret of where it is hidden.
Seekers must be patient
for these souls are hidden cleverly,
to protect against the clumsy and heartless.
The defences and traps are to be negotiated carefully
for one wrong move can leave you locked outside
to begin your searching again.
Beautiful souls are worth the time
spent searching, uncovering.
Once revealed they are never hidden away again,
just tucked beneath a single layer of protection
ready to be shown again.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

God's Hugs

A song on the radio,
A comforting presence,
Sunlight streaming through an open window,
God sends these hugs to me.

An unexpected smile,
A letter in the mail,
Delicious smells wafting on a breeze,
God sends these hugs to me.

A bible verse made clear,
A loyal friend,
Singing round an open fire,
God sends these hugs to me.

Hugs when I'm feeling down.
Hugs when my world falls apart.
When I'm tired, when I'm worn
God's warm embrace is always near.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Dear God

Dear God
I just wanted to thank you Lord
for all that you've done for me.
You have given me great things
to see, hear and do.
Lord you have made me so blessed.
You have gifted me
with understanding friends,
a loving family
and a bright future.
What more could I want?

Yet you went further Lord.
You had me born
in a country where
I have so much freedom,
beautiful landscapes,
unique animals.
What more could I want?

Yet you went still further Lord.
You placed me in a supportive church,
in small groups that fulfil my needs.
You gifted me friends who stretch me and keep me accountable.

And you still gave me more,
Eternal life
and the promise of a place with you in Heaven forevermore.
What more could i want?


Lord You are my confidant,
The only one I share my weaknesses with.
You see into my very soul
And do not flinch from what You find.
You see my failings
And begin Your great work.

You create a foundation in Yourself
And build me up.
Solid layer upon solid layer.
You test me gently,
And when You think I'm ready,

Sometimes I fall
But You catch me in Your caring hands,
Set me on my feet
And keep building,
Until my weaknesses are my strengths.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How Great You Are Lord!

How great You are Lord!
You have saved me from myself.
No matter what I do
You call me Your Child,
Pick me up, dust me off
And place me back on my feet.

How great You are Lord!
You hear my ceaseless pleas,
My whines and my petitions
Yet You do not give in.
You are the ultimate caring parent
And give me only what I need.

How great You are Lord!
You have my future planned out for me
And nothing I do can wreck Your pefect plans.
You see my faults, my darkness
Yet You still love and care for me.
Nothing I do will ever send You away.

How great You are Lord!

Monday, May 12, 2008


So many questions, Lord
So many that I dare not ask nor ponder too often for fear that
They will weaken my already fragile faith.

I dare not question how you came to be
Nor why you decided to create us.
I know that our purpose in life is
to know and love you.

Were you lonely Lord,
to have created us for love?
How long were you alone?
Alone in the enormity of nothingness,
the only existing being.

Are you angry when we question Lord?
Perplexed that we must question the kindness we have been shown by you?
Or are you resigned to our questioning nature?

You created us.
I can't understand why you allow us to question your very existence.
Why create out of a need for love
then allow the creation to spurn the creator?
Replace you with an explosion and an evolutionary accident.

It doesn't make sense Lord.
I can't comprehend it.
I can't comprehend you.

How can the created understand the creator?
Can a piece of cheese understand a cow?

So I will leave my questions alone
Confident that YOU know.
Hopeful that one day you will share your secrets
or my questions and doubts will fade
away to nothingness and I will be
satisfied with just knowing and loving you.
As was intended in the beginning.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

We are soldiers

ANZAC Day is a perfect opportunity to remember not only the soldiers who have died defending our country but also those martyrs who have died defending the faith.

We are Soldiers

We are soldiers
fighting for the world,
a world who laughs behind our backs.
We fight an unseen enemy:
Satan and his minions
hide behind every evil thought.
We fight in every struggle to do what's right,
every seed of hope that is planted,
every invitation to join our Lord's side.
Do you believe you are a soldier?
Our battle is not of flesh and blood,
our enemies are evil spirits.
We have no guns or bombs
just a shield of faith
and a sword of the Living Word.
You are a soldier.
Fight bravely under our Lord's banner
and vanquish demons in His name.
Dress daily in the whole armour of God
and fight!
Fight for a dying world.

Lest we forget the sacrifice of the Saints

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Lost

Buddahs and incense
Feng Shui and crystals
all set to mislead the lost.

Helpless souls
searching for truth
but shunning where truth can be found.

TV and radio
laughing at Christians.
Satan tries bringing us down.

Modern media
drawing the lost
claiming to fill all their needs.

Stars and celebrities
stealing the show
gaining from misdirected worship.

Jesus and God
the Holy Trinity
drawing the lost to their love.

Jesus and God
loving the lost
ready to fulfill their lives.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Come close

Come close Lord
I need you here today.
Don't be distant with me Lord
I need your comforting presence.

This life I have created
is getting me down.
Why didn't I listen Lord
When You gave me Your plan for my life?

Draw near Lord.
Place your hand upon my life
and your desires upon my heart.
Get me out of this mess.

I will fight you Lord
I don't like change.
Sorry for rebelling again.
Ignore my protests.

Take control Lord
I am afraid.
Hold my hand on this journey
draw me to your side

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Living in the World

I tell myself that I don't care.
Why should the opinions of others affect me?
It is my own thoughts that matter
I have to live with my own conscience.

Do I truly know what they think
Or am I simply being paranoid?
Why let my fear of others dictate my actions?
Why let them spoil my fun?

I tell myself that I must live in the world,
That I must not let the cares of the world become mine.
I have different values to the world
and so I must be separated from them.

I tell myself this but I do not believe it.
It is so hard to ignore the looks,
The comments designed to bring me down.
So I remind myself of my values and ideals
And continue on my way.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Shout out to a friend of mine

Just wanted to promote my friend's new blog Kommunications With Karine
Check it out it is sure to be full of awesomeness.

Monday, April 7, 2008


this is one of my old ones from last year


As the stress and panic of this world
make me lose sight of You
I try to remember what is important.
It is not the 'A' on my report card that will light up my elder years.
It is You

As I scramble to meet the expectations
Others have thrust upon me
I try to remember what it is You want of me.
It is not getting the 'very good' box ticked for todays performance
It is loving You

As I weep over crushed desires
and wish things had gone differently
I try to remember what You said
It is not my judgement that I should follow
It is Yours

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Plight of the introvert #2

Don’t call me shy!
Shy means I am afraid.
What is there to be afraid of?
I’m certainly not afraid of you.

No I’m not shy,
Just quiet
Why fill up comfortable silence
With meaningless chatter?

Do not label me
Just because I think before I speak.
Many of you could not claim that.
I’m quiet, not shy.

Conversation flows so quickly.
By the time I have thought through
What I want to say,
The conversation has left me behind.

I have tried to be like you.
Spouting the first thing
That springs to mind
And I end up looking the fool.

Listen to what I say,
For it is well thought out.
Not meaningless dribble
Or the stammered, nervous chatter of the shy.

I am an introvert;
Quiet, introspective.
I think far too much,
But I am not shy.

Monday, March 24, 2008

I want...

I want it all,
All of it,
All that a person could hope and dream for.

Now I know what you're thinking
but all's not as it seems.
My dreams are not those of the world.

I want hope
I want love
I want dreams
I want friends

I want happiness
I want forgiveness
I want mercy
I want peace

Now I know what you're thinking
but this is my wish.
My dreams are not those of the world.

It wants money
It wants things
It wants power

It wants glory
It wants fame
It wants success

The worlds wishes differ to mine,
They are selfish, greedy and cruel.
I only hope they will see my way
Then all my wishes will come truth.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

In the depths of my mind

Oh these thoughts!
These horrible, burning thoughts.
swirling through my brain,
contaminating all they touch.
Lord, save me from myself!
They burn! They burn!
Out! Get out of my head!
Out! Out! Leave me in peace.
'Lord!' I weep
I'm sorry Lord! So sorry!
I know they're wrong
these nasty, depressing, delicious, sinful thoughts.
I entertain them for a moment
One single, dreadful, glorious moment,
Then banish them,
Banished forever.
The damage is done
All from that one single moment
And I weep.
The guilt
Oh! The guilt!
I know that once again I have failed in my duty.
That duty set by you,
To be pure
Pure and holy.
But I have failed.
I lie here crushed.
Stop looking at me Lord.
Leave me here alone.
But no!
Don't abandon me!
Not here
Alone in this darkness I have created.
Oh Lord!
I'm so sorry!
Wash me clean
Nice and clean again.
Heal me of my self-inflicted damage.
Hold my hand as I start again,
Help me guard my thoughts
My traitorous, wandering thoughts.

Friday, March 21, 2008



It started with perfection.
Perfect perfection,
Not a single sign of poison.
Nothing to mar the perfection Perfection created.

It started with a decision.
A single decision,
A decision to grant choices.
Choices to grant free will to a perfect creation.

It started with a serpent.
A slinky, sly serpent,
A serpent who wanted to be great.
A serpent with a desire to trick Perfection’s beloved.

It started with desire.
Selfish desire,
Desire awakened by a serpent.
A desire to be more than an echo of Perfection.

It started with a decision.
A foolish decision,
A decision to trust the serpent
And try to reach perfection.

It ended with a bite.
One tiny bite,
One tiny, forbidden bite
That ruined Perfection’s creation until Perfection returns to the world He created.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


This world is full of tragedy
that we have never seen
despair and broken hearts
loss and broken dreams

and though we all are hurting
we stumble and we fall
we keep our saddness hidden
we show it not at all

all of us are broken
our lives just one big mistake
still we journey on
our happiness is fake

this world is full of tragedy
from which noone can hide
though we attempt to fix it
we are still broken inside

we patch our holes with fantasies
we believe will make us new
yet these patches cave in on us
and leave bigger holes in you

there is a cure out there
if you search through all your strife
and put your hope in Jesus
He will save your life

you cannot escape this tragedy
just look at poor old Job
but trust in good old Jesus
He will be your hope.

haha just wrote that then while deciding what to put in a post. Go me! It is very rare that I write a RHYMING poem! As you can probably tell! And yes, I am studying the book of Job in Bible study at the moment lol!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Plight of the Introvert

Plight of the Introvert

Stop pushing!
Don't rush me.
Can't you see I need time to think?
We are not all like you
able to juggle a million thoughts in our heads at once.

Give me time.
Time to think things through;
time to ask questions;
time to finish thinking and begin doing.

I am fragile
though I hide it well.
If I do not finish my thoughts
I do not understand.

You invade my soul.
Storm through like a violent wind
leaving devastation in your path.
all for lack of understanding.

Just stop and leave.
Come back after I have finished
and I can tell you what you need to know.
Come back and we will finish this conversation.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

We can all learn a lesson from the birds

This one just popped into my head while I was bringing my pet cockatiels in for the night.
For some obscure reason microsoft word has decided to die. I believe it has a lot to do with the fact that I started prac today :(

Little Bird
Little bird,
floating on a breeze.
How free you appear.
What cause have you to worry?

Gracefully coursing the sky,
kissing the clouds,
viewing the world from above.
I envy you, bird.

What concerns have a bird?
Food to eat, a place to sleep.
All else is irrelevant.
I wish I were you.

You have no job,
no stash of money,
no possessions
and yet your songs are full of joy.

I could learn much from you little bird.
How to be free, to be happy
and how to sing of my joy
to make others happy too.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

the role of unmarried woman

The other night while I was doing my daily Bible reading I came across this verse which really stood out for me.
"an unmarried woman is concerned about the Lord's affairs: her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit" 1 Corinthians 7:34
It is so easy to get caught up in the search for a husband or imagining what you will do when you are married but I think it is important to remember that the unmarried are important to God too. This chapter in Corinthians goes on to say that those who are married are devoted to their partners first. Think how much more you can do for God if all your attention is on him!
Of course, I'm still looking forward to getting married!

Monday, February 25, 2008

racing around
ignoring the pleas for attention of desparate souls
caught up in our own importance

what care I for those I pass
they did not stop when i was in need

ignorant of everyday disasters
convinced that we are the height of greatness

conflict means nothing if I am not hurt
faceless, nameless victims

victims of our own making
our ignorance
our uncaring nature

we forget that life is fragile
how many of those I passed needed help that only I could bring?
and yet I walked on by
ignoring silent pleas for help

invisible people
with pleading, tear-filled eyes
looking at me

and I with my cloak of self-importance
walk on by
Queen of my own world


How could you love us Lord?
We are such failures.
We know our duty Lord
We are to love you and spread your word
Bring the lost to you.
We echo prayers of devotion and duty on Sundays
but then return to our self-centered lives.
We swear we will do better
rescue scores of stranded souls
but we don't follow through Lord.
We are frightened.
we fear rejection, ridicule
we don't want to risk our carefully constructed reputations.
our social standing is put before you.
we console ourselves by claiming our lives are a testament to you
that actions speak louder than words.
we don't think of the souls we are condeming to damnation through our inaction.
after all, there is always tomorrow
and someone else would surely be better at this than me.
How can you stand all this Lord?
the temptation to start over must be so strong.
I would understand Lord.
We are such failures.
But you are good Lord.
You haven't abandoned me yet
I know you still have hope for my life
and i thankyou so much Lord.
Anyone else would have labled me as hopeless
but you are known for your sucess with hopeless cases.
I won't promise that I will save the world
for I know that I will only disappoint with my failure.
But i do promise this one thing Lord,
with your help, I will try

Fruitless Impressions

Fruitless Impressions

Why do I try to impress the world
Who does not care if I succeed?
They only watch to see me fail
So they can point and say,
“see? She can not do it
and neither can you!
But try, try anyway
and we will mock your failure too.”

Why do I try to impress the world?
It can not be impressed.
Only one opinion counts
And it is not yours or mine.
Only that of the Creator.

He will not point and mock.
He says to me,
“My child, do not listen to what they say,
for their words are intended to hurt.
Listen to me, my child
For I will pick you up,
Dust you off and
Make you precious.

Listen to my word.
Do as I say
And you shall shine brighter than they.
You will glisten like a diamond,
Shine like a light
And prove to the world all that I am.
Is that not a better goal?”

Why do I not try to impress the world?
Why do I not care what they say?
Because I know
the only opinion that counts.
And it is not yours or mine.

Welcome to my blog

Welcome all!
This is just a quiet little site where I will be posting thoughts and poetry. Please feel free to look around.