Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I want to be a thing of beauty.
I want to make heads turn
mouths agape
and people stare with longing.

I want to be full of confidence.
I want people to trust me
instinctively, unswervingly
and be able to live up to that trust.

I want every action to be filled with grace
like a doe, a red, red rose,
gentle, dignified,
never a false step or stumble.

May my life be defined by faith.
Faith in my Lord, faith in myself.
Inspiring faith,
never forgetting, never doubtful.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Every breath,
a moment of life gifted to me.
How amazing is it that we live?
Every part of our bodies
combined just right.
Inconceivably working in concert.

Every smile,
conveying a thousand words
and a million emotions.
One look, saying so much,
lifting hearts
and creating a domino effect around the world.

Every hug,
melting hearts, crumbling walls,
warming the depths of the soul.
Comfort, consolement, love
all expressed through
this simple, impulsive action.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Reach Out

Reach out, broken heart
and touch those around you.
You are not the only one bleeding
in this broken world.
We are all hurting,
we all wail inside
but that doesn't stop us shining.
Illuminate the dark,
be a beacon for all.
Help those who are trapped inside their suffering
to find their way out
and shine as a guiding light for others.
Shine, broken heart,
for your brokenness makes the light purer.
It draws the gaze,
fills the heart
and sings in a bitter-sweet voice,

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

God Weeps

When we are hurting,
broken inside,
feeling we will never be put back together,
destined to be broken forever,
He is beside us,
hands on our shoulders
with tears streaming down His face.

When we huddle in a corner
in the dark,
with no one coming to bring us comfort,
He is there
holding us close to Himself,
feeling our pain as His own.

When we are screaming
silently in our minds,
unable to voice our pain,
He is whispering,
speaking word of comfort in our ears.

We are never abandoned,
never alone,
for when we are in pain
God weeps our tears.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Why did you leave me?
All alone I weep,
waiting, hoping for your return.
But it is in vain,
for you are gone
and I am abandoned.
If you have left, why should I stay?
So I abandon myself.
I may seem to be here
but I am not.
It is the shell that even I have abandoned.
I have retreated,
hidden away in the darkness I have created.
No one wants me
so I have put myself out of reach.
Even I cannot reach myself.
I am lost,
gone, never to return.
some kind soul shows me the way back,
the way back to myself,
shows me tha I am not truly abandoned.
Will that person come?
Will they reach out to the unreachable?
Or do I, yet again,
wait in vain?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I am full of questions, Lord,
to which I can find no answers.
I am told to seek your will,
and I do,
only I cannot tell if my answers are from You
or my own selfish mind.
I am told to compare my answers to Your word
but there I am lost.
Your word does not cover my future jobs,
my love life
or my living arrangements.
So my questions remain
and I stumble through my life
hoping it is in accordance with Your will.
Praying that next time Your voice will be clearer,
praying next time I will be listening harder,
praying my questions will be answered.

Friday, August 1, 2008

I got in an ezine

My children of the light poem has been shown in the August edition of Whatever is Pure. Check it out here