Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How Great You Are Lord!

How great You are Lord!
You have saved me from myself.
No matter what I do
You call me Your Child,
Pick me up, dust me off
And place me back on my feet.

How great You are Lord!
You hear my ceaseless pleas,
My whines and my petitions
Yet You do not give in.
You are the ultimate caring parent
And give me only what I need.

How great You are Lord!
You have my future planned out for me
And nothing I do can wreck Your pefect plans.
You see my faults, my darkness
Yet You still love and care for me.
Nothing I do will ever send You away.

How great You are Lord!

Monday, May 12, 2008


So many questions, Lord
So many that I dare not ask nor ponder too often for fear that
They will weaken my already fragile faith.

I dare not question how you came to be
Nor why you decided to create us.
I know that our purpose in life is
to know and love you.

Were you lonely Lord,
to have created us for love?
How long were you alone?
Alone in the enormity of nothingness,
the only existing being.

Are you angry when we question Lord?
Perplexed that we must question the kindness we have been shown by you?
Or are you resigned to our questioning nature?

You created us.
I can't understand why you allow us to question your very existence.
Why create out of a need for love
then allow the creation to spurn the creator?
Replace you with an explosion and an evolutionary accident.

It doesn't make sense Lord.
I can't comprehend it.
I can't comprehend you.

How can the created understand the creator?
Can a piece of cheese understand a cow?

So I will leave my questions alone
Confident that YOU know.
Hopeful that one day you will share your secrets
or my questions and doubts will fade
away to nothingness and I will be
satisfied with just knowing and loving you.
As was intended in the beginning.