Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Evil One

The evil one calls out my name
and offers gifts so tempting.
He whispers promises to me
to meet my heart’s desires.

I cannot see beyond the gifts
believing that I earned them.
With arms outstretched I grab what’s mine
and Satan gently sneaks in.

Everything seems superb at first,
but gifts they quickly tarnish.
My conscience prods my senses ‘til
I realise I’ve been foolish.

By then I truly am entrenched
in thoughts of my own greatness
and do not want to live without
the pleasures I was gifted.

The Shining One calls out my name
and offers freedom tempting.
He whispers truths and promises
to be my heart’s desire.

He weans me from my dependence
on he who is deceitful,
revealing my heavenly gifts
and sets me to my purpose.

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