Friday, July 4, 2008

Children of the Light

Hidden in the darkness,
Not knowing what we seek
But searching,
Endlessly searching.


Drawn out of the shadows,
No longer belonging to the darkness
We are light.
Children of the light.

Now a task we have been given
That will take our lives to achieve.
We must face our fears
And look again at the darkness,
That seemingly endless darkness.

Our task is dangerous for the darkness reaches out to us
Trying to regain what it has lost.
We must resist.
Cling to the light
While facing down the dark.

Our task:
To find those hidden in the darkness
Not knowing what they seek
But searching,
Endlessly searching.
We must guide them to the light.

Children of the light
Must be beacons,
Guiding lanterns for those trapped in the endless night.

Guide gently, children of the light.
The darkness muddles and distorts
And the hidden will be distrustful.
But when they find the light
The JOY!
The end to hopeless searching
And the creation of a new guide.

We are an army of the light
Facing down the darkness.
One day, our task shall be complete.
One day,
The darkness shall depart.

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