Thursday, July 24, 2008


I resist,
claim that it is impossible, can't be done,
realise the power of positive thinking,
wade through the troubles
determined to reach that distant shore,
only to realise
it is deeper here than I thought.

I tread water,
struggle to reach the surface,
push myself forward
inch by painful inch,
refusing to admit I'm in over my head
only to face the facts,
I can't do this alone.

I cry out,
begging, pleading with My Saviour to rescue me,
take me from this place,
save me from this situation,
set the world to rights.
He comes, He helps
but I remain waist-deep in this strife.

I push forward,
clinging for dear life to my Lord,
testing each step,
asking for guidance,
wading through the dark,
seeing my goal through the fog of my mind,
determined to reach that distant shore.

I emerge,
victorious I praise the Father
who held my hand while I wept,
acknowledge that I have grown,
have been stretched and purified in the painful fire,
recognise that I can go further than I could before.
I continue on my journey.

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