Monday, July 7, 2008


Frozen, I am frozen deep within.
My world is shadows, shadows deep and grey.
No light shines through to brighten my life.
These shadows are seeping into my very soul.

I reach out, grasping, trying to break through,
Desperately reaching out to the light.
My fingers spread pleadingly
willing any light to touch me
and thaw out my frozen soul.

Good things are hidden from me.
I see them as through a veil.
There is a barrier between,
a barrier only I can see but cannot begin to break.

I live in a pocket of shadows.
I put on a happy face around others.
I don't want their pity,
they cannot begin to understand the cold that devours me from within.

My heart cries out to my Saviour
pleading with him to place His warmth upon my heart.
I feel guilty that I have failed to banish the shadows
when His light should dwell within.

But I remain frozen,
frozen with warmth in my vision but beyond my grasp.
Cut off from the world by a veil of shadows.
Left to dwell in my frozen wasteland.

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